teisipäev, 20. veebruar 2024

Scandagra labori tegemistest / Scandagra laboratory activities


Scandagra söödatehasel on olemas oma labor kus me saame analüüsida toormete ning toodetud söötade toitefaktorite sisaldusi. Samuti analüüsime me mükotoksiinide sisaldust täiendsöödas ja sööda toormetes. Peamiste toormete niiskuse, toorproteiini, toorkiu, toorrasva ja toortuha sisaldusi analüüsime me igakuiselt. Saadud tulemused on aluseks Scandagra retseptide koostamisel. Samuti kontrollime me oma laboris Scandagras toodetud söötade toitainete sisaldusi. Sel moel omame me head ülevaate kas retsepti koostamise käigus arvutatud parameetrid vastavad ka tegelikkusele. Oma labori üheks eeliseks on analüüsitulemuste saamise kiirus. Tulemused saame me juba samal või hiljemalt järgmisel päeval. Laboranalüüside tulemused on ühtlasi kättesaadavad ka meie klientidele.

Toormete kvaliteediparameetrid märtsiks / Raw material quality parameters for March:


Scandagra feed factory has its own laboratory where we can analyze feed material and compound feeds for content of nutrients. Also we can analyze content of mycotoxins in compound feeds and feed materials. We check main raw materials for moisture, crude protein, crude fiber, crude fat and crude ash on monthly basis. Results obtained are used for formulation of Scandagra recipes. We also check the content of nutrients in our compound feeds. In this way, we have a good overview whether the parameters calculated in recipes correspond to the feed values. One of the advantages for development of our own laboratory is the speed of getting analysis results. We get results already on the same day or on the next day at the latest. The results of laboratory analyses are also available to our customers.

teisipäev, 6. juuni 2023

it was a great pleasure to visit Danish companies

Our feed team members had an opportunity to visit Denmark in May. Main idea was to get more experiences in cattle feeding.

For beginning we met DLG cattle nutrition specialists to talk mostly about feeding of transition cows. It is well known that good management of transition cows is extremely important.

Hypocalcemia is one of the most common metabolic disorders affecting cows around calving. Prevalence of subclinical hypocalcemia has found to be around 50% on older cows (Goff JP 1999). To decrease prevalence of hypocalcemia we have started to use calcium and phosphorus binding synthetic zeolite A (X-Zelite, Vilofoss) 2-3 weeks before calving. Synthetic zeolite dosing and administration is very simple comparing with DCAD-approach used in farms previously.
However, DLG has developed solutions for feeding cows before and after calving. These solutions are used successfully for many years in Danish dairy herds. Supplementary feeds recommended by DLG are covering needs of cows for protein, energy as well as increasing availability of aminoacids lysine and methionine. In case of dry cows also synthetic zeolite is used in compound feed composition. The idea is to introduce the same solutions to Estonian dairy farmers.

Second day in Denmark started with farm visit. We had a possibility to visit Alslev Agro Aps dairy farm and to get a good overview about feeding and management in this farm.

Our Denmark trip ended with visit to Vilofoss factory.

Many thanks to our colleagues from DLG and Vilofoss for interesting discussions and organizing that trip!

Big thanks to Claus Lausten Drøhse from Alslev Agro Aps for such an in-depth introduction to the farm everydays’ life!

neljapäev, 13. aprill 2023

See you at international rural fair „MAAMESS“ on 20-22 April 2023 in Tartu Fairs Centre!

The 29th international rural fair "MAAMESS" will take place on 20-22 April 2023 in Tartu Fairs Centre, Estonia.

On all three days of the fair:
  • You can get an information about different Scandagra feeds. You can talk to our specialists and to get an advice which feeds are best suited to your farm.
  • You can buy Scandagra's most popular retail products with great fair prices!

Find us in hall C, stand 1. 

For more information about international rural fair „MAAMESS“ click HERE 


teisipäev, 7. veebruar 2023

Scandagra Winter Conference 2023


Scandagra Winter Conference 2023 was held in Estonia Resort Hotel & Spa Conference Center on February 2nd. Recurring theme of our conference was "Stability in a Changing World".

Opening session gave us an overview about wide range of valuable topics like the situation of raw material markets; how renewable energy can provide additional income, and how to support yourself and your team through the changes.

In the afternoon Conference was continued in two sessions - Animal Husbandry and Crop Production sessions.

Animal Husbandry session concentrated to the silage topics. Representatives from Alltech remained us about importance of good teamwork in silage making and using processes. Also new range of high-quality silage inoculants EgalisTM was introduced to Estonian farmers.

Alltech Egalis® inoculants are available for farms through Scandagra sales representatives and shops. Please feel free to contact or to visit our shops.

Contacts of sales representatives you can find HERE.

Contacts of shops you can find HERE.

Thank you for attending Scandagra Winter Conference 2023!





kolmapäev, 5. oktoober 2022

The importance of the right complementary feed in case of robotic milking system

Õige täiendsööda tähtsus robotlüpsiga farmides

"Lüpsirobotid on Eestis kasutatud juba rohkem kui 15 aastat ning see aeg on andnud rikkalikult kogemusi nende kasutuse vallas. Siiski tasuks meelde tuletada õige täiendsööda tähtsust lüpsirobotite külastatavusele. Sööt on peamine motivaator, mis lehmi roboteid külastama meelitab. "
Täispikk artikkel on leitav Scandagra kodulehel. Klikka SIIA.

Milking robots have been used in Estonia more than 15 years and a lot of experiences collected. However, it is still worth to remember the importance of the right complementary feed for the number of milking robot visits by cows. Here are some simple recommendations that could be followed if visiting of the robots by cows is below desired level.

General rule is that feed provided from feed bunk should be with lower energy content. The ration from the feed bunk is based on the needs of the cows having lower milk production. The individual part of the ration corresponding to the milk production of a particular cow comes from the robot. Giving too much concentrated feed from the feed bunk generally reduces the number of visits to the robot, because the cows simply don't need additional energy from the robot anymore.

If the general feeding is well organized, but the visits of the milking robots are still below the desired level, it could be helpful to update the composition of the complementary feed. For example, Danish researchers Madsen et al. found that the composition of complementary feed affects the number of visits of the milking robots. The number of visits of the robot increased by 44% compared to standard feed if the complementary feeds had high content (53%) of barley-oat mixture or wheat. At the same time, in the case of using of corn-based and only barley-based complementary feeds, number of milking robot visits and milk production were close to the standard complementary feed. On the other hand, fat-rich complementary feeds reduced the number of milking robots’ visits.

The structure of the complementary feed given by the robot is also important. Pelleted feed is used in most of the milking robots. The advantage of pelleted feed is the fact that cows can eat it faster. In addition, studies by Spörndly et al. 2006 and Johnson et al. 2022 show that cows prefer to eat pelleted feed better than non-pelleted feed.

Publications used:
  • Johnson JA, Paddick KS, Gardner M, Penner GB : Comparing steam-flaked and pelleted barley grain in a feed-first guided-flow automated milking system for Holstein cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 105(1), 2022, pages 221-230;
  • Lely: „Robotlüpsiga farmi majandamine“ https://linery.ee/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Karjahaldus-robotlaudas.pdf, 2019;
  • Madsen J, Weisbjerg MR, Hvelplund T: Concentrate composition for Automatic Milking Systems — Effect on milking frequency. Livestock Science 127, 2010, pages 45–50; Spörndly E, Asberg T: Eating rate and preference of different concentrate components for cattle. J Dairy Sci 89(6), 2006, pages 2188-2199.
Article full text in Estonian is available HERE.


For more information about our feed related activities please contact to:

Marge Malbe
Feed Technologist
Mobile: +372 5855 7511
Aaddress: Tähe 13, Viljandi, EE-71020, Estonia
E-mail: marge.malbe@scandagra.ee




esmaspäev, 29. august 2022

Good feed is the bases for stability of milk production

 Hea sööda abil stabiilsema piimatoodangu suunas

 „Kätte on jõudnud aeg, kus farmides võetakse kasutusele uued silod ning kohe-kohe hakkavad järgemööda söödaks minema ka selle aasta teraviljad, raps ja muud söödamaterjalid. Ent uute söötade energia- ja toitainete sisaldused pole enamasti täpselt sama, mis möödunud aasta toormetel. Tekivad muutused söödalaval.“
Täispikk artikkel on leitav Scandagra kodulehel. Klikka SIIA.

This time of the year new silage and other new raw materials for feed production will be taken into use in farm. However, content of nutrients of new raw materials is usually different comparing of old once. There will be changes in feedlot which are clearly seen in farms. Feed rations need to be balanced according to the energy and nutrient content of the new raw materials. 
Limitations at any stage of feed production, whether it is improperly taken or stored feed samples or unevenly mixed feed materials, are reflected in the cow's ration and milk production.

Feed plants can support farmers in many different feed related activities. For example, feed plants can help farmers in calculating and balancing feed rations. There is a special software used by many feed plants which is allowing to design complementary feeds according to the needs of a particular farm. Feed mills has their own laboratory capacities. Analyzing of raw materials and complementary feeds belonging to the daily routine of most of the feed plants. Results of the analyzes are available for customers as well. When buying feed from a feed plant, it’s good to figure out what kind of additional services feed manufacturer can provide in addition of selling feeds or feed raw materials.

The period of transition to new feeds is a difficult time on the farm. Raw material laboratory analyzes undoubtedly mean additional expenses, and the constant monitoring of cows and the interpretation of the obtained data is time consuming. However, all these activities will help to make the rations more precise covering animal needs for energy and nutrient in better way. This, in turn, is reflected in a more stable milk production and helps to prevent many unwanted surprises on the farm. 

Scandagra can help farmers in different feed related activities:

  • If you need help in taking of silage samples or delivering it to the laboratory, please contact your customer manager. We have the necessary tools and skills for taking samples.
  • Scandagra can support its customers in balancing feed rations according to silage data received from the laboratory and information from the farm. We are also ready to come to the farm for a more detailed overview.
  • We can develop complementary feeds according to the needs of a particular farm by using of BESTMIX® software (www.bestmix.com).
  • In the Scandagra Viljandi laboratory, we carry out regular laboratory analyzes for complementary feeds and feed raw materials. Results arrive quickly, usually the same business day or the next business day at the latest. We also share the results of laboratory analyzes with our customers upon request.

Article full text in Estonian is available HERE.

For more information about our feed related activities please contact to:

Mats Merits
Sales Specialist
Address: Tähe 13, Viljandi, EE-71020, Estonia